Last updated: November 29, 2009

The Official Unofficial
Web site

129 Odos Aghia Pareskevi, Halandri, Athens, Greece

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Alumni A-E
Alumni F-J
Alumni K-O
Alumni P-T
Alumni U-Z

Index by Name

Registration Form
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Where are they now?
Wondering how your old friends have changed over the years? Visit Then and Now for a peek.

[Events and Information]

Photo Albums

Thanks to Mitch Kief(1973) and Jim Cochran, Kathy McConaghie, and Toni McConaghie(1971)
1971 Yearbook(Pdf)
1973 Year book(html)
1973 Yearbook(pdf)
And anyone else who wants to get their name up here, all you have to do is scan an entire yearbook(and I'll even host it on the site!)

The April 17-19
Wilmington, NC Reunion
More Wilmington photos.......
Matt Barrett's
Jill Best's

More Photos
Maria Vlahopoulos

Sophia Zafer

April 1999
DC Reunion

Rick Weldon uncovers long lost
AYC pictures...


Alumini Websites

Contact Us

copyright©2009 ACSGreece

April 1999 DC ReUnion Photo Album
(Click on Photos to see enlargement)

Whole Group with Dog

Dinner Time

Chris & Derek Donahue

Daigle's Jersey Collection

Jerry Gaffney & Mike Allen

LJ Pagano & Tami Ike

Mike Donahue & Bill Sinunu


Ouzo Toast

Post Ouzo Toast